
By Bob Allen

I didn’t do the high school or college reunion thing. I have often been just the faintest bit envious of people for whom touching that part of their past was interesting and nourishing. It’s not that my school years weren’t good, but I didn’t really build roots then and there.
Yesterday though, was fulfilling, warm, and inspiring. Thanks to the unbelievably hard work of some past Disney colleagues, about 600 of us gathered at Walt Disney Imagineering to re-connect, tell stories, catch up and remember what was a triumphant time in our lives. You go through all of the emotions about a reunion-will I remember people?…will they remember me? I did and they did. A good friend of mine is now the President of Imagineering, other good friends are still working Imagineers and the welcome was deep and sincere.
I got to thank the people who took a risk on me and allowed me to have a shot at being a part of a once in a lifetime opportunity. They spoke of the pure innovative spirit of those days and of the lucky accidents that propelled us forward along with the potholes and speedbumps that held us back sometimes.
We all embraced, laughed, teared up a little remembering the ones we’ve lost and 6 hours went by like a moment. Four of us who had worked together closely walked back to the parking lot together and just before we went our separate ways, we all said about the same thing—“I guess that all really DID happen 35 years ago. I guess we really were part of something exquisite, beautiful and truly extraordinary.” Yes, we were. EPCOT and Tokyo Disneyland were both firsts. I’m humbled and grateful for the chance I got to be part of them.

October 9, 2017|Archive|

About the Author: Bob Allen

Bob spent 25 years with the Walt Disney Company before founding IDEAS back in 2001. He is a nationally recognized speaker, avid bike rider, and Zen teacher/practitioner.

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