Red Cent & New Pictures

By John Lux

For the last 2 weeks David and I have been anxiously awaiting a red cent sighting. Red cent is the accent color on the East side of the building and for whatever reason, the painters haven’t done any of the walls with that color. The anticipation was killing us but today around 5:00pm David called me from the building saying they had done the red cent and it looked beautiful. I’m going first thing tomorrow to see it so I’m looking forward to that. They also began painting the last minute offices so that will be done tomorrow. One of the last minute office painting rooms is my office so I have a vested interest in at least one office.

Two days of pictures have also been added to the website: We took pictures on Friday then David took pictures of Duncan painting the new lines in the parking lot on Saturday. We talked about refreshing the lines in the parking lot as one of those little things that will make the new place look nice and in the end, it was a huge thing. The new lines make it look brand new and of course Duncan was precise and made everything look very professional.

Sam and I finished two webisodes in the Behind The Scenes series that will be posted this week. We have another two to get done in the next ten days then the remainder will be done once we get to the new building.

March 23, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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