Rebuild globally, My First StoryJam


I’ve owned a couple pairs of  TOMS shoes over the years. I love making purchases for me that help others as well. Knowing TOMS give a pair of shoes to someone in need when I buy shoes for me, is a great way to shop. Being a generous consumer is important to me, which is why I was excited to learn of the company, REBUILD globally.

Back in November, IDEAS was one of the sponsors for Orlando, Inc.’s B.I.G Summit. I was lucky enough to attend this event and while there met Sandra Fernandez, REBUILD globally’s Country Director. She told me a little bit about RG and their story of going down to Haiti after the earthquake in 2010. They saw two main problems; unemployment and pollution, specifically tires being burned, which is so horrible for the environment.  So the visionaries behind RG began this great adventure of hiring Haitians to make sandals, using old tires. While talking to Sandra, it was easy to see the enthusiasm she had for their company and vision. She also had a sample sandal with her, which blew me away!

IDEAS was set to give away a StoryJam session for the winner of the B.I.G Awards and you can image my joy when REBUILD globally ended up being the very deserving winners. I was even more thrilled when I found out that I would get to sit in and participate in this StoryJam.

This being my first StoryJam with IDEAS, I really didn’t know what to expect. This particular one was being lead by Bob Allen, our Chief Storyteller and it was a treat seeing him in his element. Walking into to it that morning, I couldn’t image where we would end up at the end of the day. The whole process of a StoryJam is truly a unique experience and something I don’t think I could do justice in trying to describe. I will say, it’s so much more than just a brainstorming session and I know the people of RG walked out feeling energized and excited by the things that happened during their StoryJam.

I too walked out energized and excited. Not only from the process of seeing a StoryJam, but from learning so much about a great company like REBUILD globally. Of course, I bought a pair of their sandals (yep, in December, oh the joys of living in Florida). The sandals are not only cute and comfortable, but durable. They are made out of tires, so of course they are going to last. They also help me continue my quest to be a generous consumer. I’m excited to not only see where REBUILD globally goes over the next few years and the difference they make, hopefully with IDEAS being a part of it.

REBUILD globally does so much for the people of Haiti and also have a lot of apprenticeship programs that run along side of the business. You can read more about them and buy your own sandals at

January 20, 2013|Archive|

About the Author: IDEAS

We’re a small creative design firm with a proven 20-year (and growing) history of international success. Our team delivers truly inspired brand and experience design solutions for destination, enterprise, organizational and communication challenges.

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