The Next Normal My grandparents never completely let go of the Great Depression. Mistrust of banks, obsessive frugality and a pervasive vigilance persisted for the rest of their lives-which in my Grandmother’s case extended well into the 1990s. Like the Depression or a World War, Covid-19 represents a human inflection...
Experience Design is a pretty broad term. Break it down and it’s just the practice of...well...designing an experience. That can be anything from a museum to a cruise to a theme park. My primary area of interest is the arts, so when I think of experience design I think of...
Once there are medically-proven vaccines readily available and it becomes reasonably safe to mingle and assemble among strangers outside our social “bubbles” we will finally be able to return to the heady days of going to concerts, sporting events, and enjoying a beer at the bar without fear of catching...
Safety, Courtesy, Show, and Efficiency. Anyone who has ever worked for “The Mouse” can recite these Four Keys of guest experience with cultish zeal. Working as a Walt Disney World cast member, I observed that these four pillars support the larger pediment of an unspoken key called Repeatability. This means...
"Themed Entertainment’s Obsession With Space Exploration" That's the topic of the month. But what is “Themed Entertainment?” Am I the only wondering that? I mean, is it code for theme parks? Am I expected to talk about Disney? I think “Themed Entertainment” is vague enough for me to talk about...
Space: the final frontier. These are the visions of themed entertainment. It’s perpetual mission: to generate new revenue, to seek out new audiences and new intellectual property. To boldly go where all themed entertainment has gone before. With apologies to Mr. Roddenberry, the lucrative nature of “space exploration” themed experiences,...
History will tell you that man took his first “small step” on the Moon in the summer of 1969. Apologies to Mr. Armstrong, but the first humans to accomplish this feat did so almost twenty-five years before he was even born. Back in 1901, for the modest price of 50...
When I was 9, the walls of my bedroom were covered not with hot rods or pop stars. They were covered with 24" x 36" posters of every rocket in the US fleet. Redstone, Atlas, Titan, Agena, and Saturn-I framed my passion a determination to go to space. Werner Von...
We are excited! Now that the first 8 episodes of Westly’s Podcast are up and available we wanted to share a few stories about how it was created. Take a look! Check out the podcast here:
I am fortunate for infinite reasons, but one of them is having friends and associates who dig in, get involved and find creative ways to work towards contributing to social causes and working solutions. One such person is Andrea. Andrea was a week or so into the Cov-19 lockdown when...
It would be irresponsible and cruelly glib to imply that the Covid-19 pandemic has not been difficult, and that the results haven’t produced fear, anger and for so many, tragedy. Those things are all true. Loss of livelihood, loss of well-being and even loss of life are real and averting...