New Contact Info

By John Lux

Make a note of our new contact info:
64 E. Concord Street
Orlando, FL 32801-1331

Today we walked the building again to check on the progress. We are in the window of time where no more work can really be done until final permits are approved so progress is slower now than last week. Things are coming along great though. We should be setting our official move date(s) this week.

Shirley, David & I went to the Women In Film board meeting tonight downtown. David & I walked to the meeting at the City Arts Factory, it was a nice walk down Orange Ave. to meet Shirley. It was nice talking to people who have seen the press release about us moving or mention how good it will be for us to be downtown.

After the meeting we walked Shirley through the new building to show her the progress. David & I are so close to it sometimes we forget what it’s like to show fresh eyes what we’re trying to accomplish.

David got the designs for the kitchen. We’re going to have a lot of cabinets. The new kitchen space is smaller than our current kitchen but the pool table will not be in the new kitchen (it will be in our lounge) so it’s ok to have a smaller kitchen. Even though it’s a smaller kitchen, we’ll have more cabinets so that will be nice.

March 4, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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