Meetings & Decisions

By John Lux

David’s meeting with a painter this morning. Who knew there were so many decisions to make BEFORE we even pick a color. Do we paint the wallpaper? Do we need to take the wallpaper off first? If we paint the wallpaper do we use a oil or water based primer? Will the wallpaper bubble and start to fall off? Decisions, decisions.

David’s also meeting with one of the potential contractors now that our build out scope has shrunk. It’s amazing how fast the money goes so we had to reevaluate the scope a bit. Hopefully we’ll get to a comfortable place this week so we can get going.

Another thing, Friday when were at the new building we tested some track lights. I think the track fixtures that are in there are from 1988 so we need to do some updating. Thankfully, the tracks will work with track fixtures from this decade so that was a pleasant surprise and will be a huge help financially. It’s a lot easier to get new fixtures and new fixtures AND tracks.

February 2, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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