League of Women Voters

By Rebecca Hodges

The election is over… but the League of Women Voters is still going strong! This past Wednesday I attended the LWV luncheon with my coworker, Rick Stone. With over 130 people in attendance, this lunch was a great way to sum up the 2012 elections and to throw out some predictions for what may be coming in the future. Charley Williams, our client and LWV of Orange County member, invited us to the luncheon so we could be recognized for the videos that we produced for their campaign this year. After a brief introduction and some general newsworthy notes, the group changed gears and opened up a compelling panel on “Hot Topics.” The panel featured Craig Crawford, a leading TV news commentator, Mike Lafferty, Opinions Editor for the Orlando Sentinel, and Ann Hellmuth, the President of the League of Women Voters of Orange County, who acted as the moderator. I thoroughly enjoyed the panel discussion and think that it was a great way to wrap up the elections and simultaneously kick off a new chapter.

Back in June we had our first meeting with Charley. After coming up with several ideas, and not wanting to pass up the chance at producing them, my boss John Lux allowed me to take on my first producing assignment here at IDEAS. In August we released our first video for The League called Choices (below). We then followed it up with two more spots, Why Should I Vote? (below) and The Talk (below). Choices is simple and to the point, while the other two spots rely more on sarcasm and comedy to get the message across. All of the videos were made to target the “Under-30” group of voters in hopes of increasing the voter turnout. While Why Should I Vote? and The Talk may have raised a few eyebrows, they were well received by the “Under-30” crowd and did what they were supposed to do- initiate conversation. I am glad that I had the chance to work with the LWV and hope to work on many more projects like this in the near future. Click HERE for behind the scenes photos from the production.

November 16, 2012|Archive|

About the Author: Rebecca Hodges

Rebecca is a Producer/Director/Editor at IDEAS and her daily tasks consist of managing the tape vault, producing/directing/editing, as well as being the go-to person for the Studio Team.

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