By Duncan Kennedy

One of IDEAS long-time story advocates and best-of-breed creative collaborators, Larry Littlebird, recently passed along an interesting opportunity that we’d like to share across the IDEAS universe. Larry’s son, Jesse, is a blossoming artist, photographer, film director and all-round creative talent as well as a 2017 Sundance (yes, that Sundance) Full Circle Fellow. He is currently developing a short film project called JACKRABBIT. The screenplay is written and completed and casting is currently underway. The production is planned for later this Fall to be shot in the beautiful desert landscape of New Mexico. BTW – Jesse’s father, Larry Littlebird, was a founding board member of the Sundance Film Festival.

Upon reading the JACKRABBIT story summary about the project, I immediately made a donation to support the production of Jesse’s short film. Not because Larry is a good guy and I wanted to support his son, but because I selfishly want to see this story come to life for my own personal enjoyment. The roots of this story are that good. If you are interested in supporting Jesse’s very reasonable, low 5-figure production budget, you can make a tax deductible charitable donation at www.hamaatsa.org/Donate.html (a registered 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization). By clicking on LEARN MORE next to FISCAL SPONSOR for Jackrabbit Film Project, you can download the same story summary and production information I read that inspired my donation to support the project. Perhaps it will have the same impact on you as it did me?

Jesse’s father, Larry, is the great storyteller who shared with me a wonderful example of the power of storytelling. You can use it yourself to immediately engage an audience and have them sitting on the edge of their seats thirsting to hear more. It goes … “Back in the days when animals could talk …” I have used this may times to demonstrate the power of story to audiences. With just a few words, you can have an entire room wanting to hear more. It’s a great presentation opener, the only downfall is that many of them come up to you afterward wanting to hear the rest of the story.

Not saying that JACKRABBIT fulfills the rest of that great opening storyline, but it does propel the advancement of the next generation of storytelling and that is what IDEAS is all about.

July 3, 2017|Archive|

About the Author: Duncan Kennedy

Duncan has been designing and producing digital media, immersive events, and destination experiences for 25+ years. He is also a proud Buffalo Bills season ticket holder.

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