IKEA and Making of Video

By John Lux

We went to IKEA yesterday and found some really great lights for our art department/graphics area. We went to pick them up and they only had 3 of them and we needed 12. So we talked to someone that worked there and he said to call today and ask them to order them from another store and they would be shipped directly to us. Today when I spoke to 2 different people on the phone they had no idea what I was talking about and said IKEA doesn’t do that. When I asked when they thought the next shipment of those lights would come in and they said “next week”. I asked whether next week meant early, middle or late in the week. I was told they had no idea and sometimes it doesn’t even come in during the week it says it will. Talk about frustrating, we find lights that we really like but we can’t buy them. I’m standing here with a credit card begging someone to take my money and nobody can get me the product that I want. Frustrating.

With any luck we’ll start editing our Making Of video tomorrow. We’ve been taking photos, shooting video and done some interviews tracking this entire process. Tomorrow we begin editing episode 1. The goal is to do 5-10 mini episodes of 2-4 minutes each throughout the process and in the end, it will make 15-20 minute piece telling the entire story of our move.

February 26, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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