IDEAS to Host WordPress Meet Up November 3, 2012

By Thomas Gorence

IDEAS’ Lead Developer Thomas Gorence will be presenting and is one of the hosts at the WordPress Orlando Roundtable Meet Up on Saturday November 3, 2012 from 9:30am – 12:30pm at the Downtown Orlando headquarters of IDEAS. Space is limited for the event, which is for beginner, intermediate, and serious WordPress professionals. The topics of the Meet Up include the review of free plugins for creating custom post types, custom fields, and custom templates, examples of advanced techniques for anyone who wants to take custom posts even further, and The WordPress Customizer – from user to theme developer. The Orlando WordPress Roundtable Group is a place to learn & discuss everything to do with WordPress – latest plugins, designs, themes, coding, SEO, graphics, etc. The group is for people new to WordPress all the way to experts. Click HERE for more information about the WordPress Orlando Roundtable Meet Up and to reserve your spot, you must be registered to attend and the sessions are usually sold out.

October 15, 2012|Archive|

About the Author: Thomas Gorence

Thomas or "T" works in Flash, web development, and WordPress and regularly develops custom devices for physical interaction (museum exhibits, RFID readers, etc.)

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