I Don’t Need to Know You Sleep Naked


Fall of 2012, 75% of the office all seemed to have taken the same Friday off. With so few of us left in the office, we decided to make it a special day, Pajama Day. Do you remember elementary school pajama days? It was so awesome getting to wear your bedtime clothes to school for the day, so we decided to do just that. Ironically enough, the 75% who were out that day, complained that they were missing the fun. We decided to do another day, but this time we included breakfast.

Of course Pancake and Pajama Day at IDEAS was a big hit! David brought in biscuits and gravy, fruit, juice, milk, and even made fresh pancakes for everyone as they arrived. And John successfully made awesome cinnamon rolls in our cookie oven. Nearly everyone in the office participated.

Having “dress up” days in the office may seem like a silly idea, but it’s an inexpensive way to get people excited to come to work for the day, which ultimately increases office moral, productivity, positive attitudes, and just overall fun! The only down side of the day is questioning someone who didn’t participate and given the response, “I can’t wear my pajamas in public,” or “oh, you don’t want to see what I wear to bed” (I just threw up in my mouth a little).

May 13, 2013|Archive|

About the Author: IDEAS

We’re a small creative design firm with a proven 20-year (and growing) history of international success. Our team delivers truly inspired brand and experience design solutions for destination, enterprise, organizational and communication challenges.

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