Flooring Minor Drama

By John Lux

I went to the building this morning to check in on the flooring. Everything is coming together great. We did have a little drama. A portion of the building has a raised technical floor. Since most of the floor tiles are pretty old and beat up we decided to put carpet tiles on top of them, knowing that we would need to pull up the carpet tiles and flooring from time to time to get under the floor. Our concern this morning was whether or not the adhesive would allow us easy access so David & Michael worked with the installers and we think we came up with a viable compromise that will keep the carpeting stable while allowing us the access we need.

Other than that, almost the entire west side of the building is done, except base boards and transitions. The Media Storage and Design & Programming areas are also done and when I left they were preparing to do one of the back hallway areas and the lounge. David is staying down there all day to make sure things are progressing properly.

Lots of new photos and the third Behind The Scenes webisode have been added to the website: www.ideas1stg.wpengine.com/ideasnewhome

I can’t believe one week from today is the first big moving day.

March 27, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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