First Client Session

By John Lux

Yesterday was another milestone day for us in the new building, we had our first edit session with a client. Our earlier sessions were unsupervised but yesterday we actually had clients in the edit suite while Sam did the session. Again, sounds like no big deal but there are a lot of first and each are meaningful.

David & I went to the Cinco de Mayo party that our flooring provider, Spectra Contract Floors, throws every year. This was the first time we were invited. It was a good time but the one thing we noticed is that there were a couple people that were part of our interview process when we were looking for General Contractors to do our building. Nothing like running in to people you did NOT choose for a job. Awkward!

The other thing that was really cool this past week was that we are really seeing clients interested in coming to see us in the new building and talk about new projects. We got a couple proposals signed this past week, had a number of meetings about upcoming potential jobs and had a lot of great conversations with clients about things in the near future. There’s a long way to go still but things are starting to come together.

May 2, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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