Final Prep

By John Lux

The old building was a flurry of activity today. Lots of people packing things. All things considered I think we’re really well prepared for the move on Friday. Phones and Internet went down at the end of the day today so Dennis could take them downtown and get them set up at the new place. Hopefully we’ll only be down for a day. New number is 407-601-7878. I’ll be spending a lot of time the next couple days on my cell phone and somewhere with free wireless.

We had one last staff meeting to go over details for the next couple days and to show people a lot of before, during and after pictures. It pretty dramatic to see how the building has transformed. It also makes me feel it was worth the effort when people seem excited about it.

After the meeting we went to IKEA to pick up a couple more things. Unfortunately we ran in to the rain on our way downtown. Cardboard boxes in the rain in the back of a pick up truck, not good. But nothing appeared damaged. Dexter & Michael were working away on the machine & server rooms. Duncan & Rick were working in the Story Lab. Becci started getting organized and vacuumed, I think, the entire building. And Bob set up his office a little, opened up his computer and started working. He seems settled in already. I brought in some things, cleaned up my office and took down the old horrible track light fixtures and put up our nice new ones. Now my office has nice lighting, nice carpeting and nice walls. The desk is a bit of a junker but it will do just fine for now.

April 1, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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