Employment Help in a Bad Economy

By John Lux

There’s nothing good about a bad economy and people losing jobs. If you can’t make the economy better and you can’t hire everyone that has been laid off, the only thing you can do is try to help people find new jobs. One of our clients, Navigator Executive Advisors, does just that. The Navigator Career Institute serves as an online career transition support system for corporate and individual clients participating in the outplacement programs of Navigator Executive Advisors, Inc.

We created a media-rich eLearning course that featured an on-screen narrator, and video-based drill downs featuring helpful tips and techniques. The eLearning course is supported by a database where learners can answer reflective questions and work with career coaches to reach their goals and work through their career transition. The objective of the course was to provide users/learners with the specialized coaching and technical expertise necessary to improve their ability to engage in effective and successful job searches. Whether they are just graduating and have never yet had a job, are presently in a job and want an employer or career change, or are “in between” jobs, the online instruction and guided exploration via database questions and interaction with professional coaches will help them navigate through their career transition.

In the end, this is a project that has taken on much larger importance since we started. We can’t fix the job market on our own but we can help people get back out there when they need to.

September 30, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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