Education In The Park 2012

By Charles Moore

IDEAS will be with our friend Professor Tinkermeister from Kid’s Get a Plan this Saturday April 28, 2012 from 10:00am – 1:30pm at the Osceola County, FL Education in the Park Event. Professor Tinkermeister is a weather-awareness expert for the Florida Division of Emergency Management. The Professor travels across Florida teaching people, especially kids, about how to prepare for weather emergencies. Education in the Park is the largest youth oriented event in Osceola County, as over 20,000 people are expected to come and enjoy this free family fun day designed to celebrate children and education. Click HERE for more information about Education in the Park. Click HERE for more information about Professor Tinkermeister and the other books created by IDEAS for the Florida Division of Emergency Management to help bring awareness and prepare Florida’s citizens for emergencies and disasters in order to mitigate loss.

April 26, 2012|Archive|

About the Author: Charles Moore

Charles is a hands-on project manager that works collaboratively with his clients and project teams.

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