Christine Biondo’s 27th Workiversary with IDEAS


ChristineThis past Sunday, September 6th, was Christine Biondo’s 27th Workiversary with IDEAS!!

  1. What is your favorite part about your job? Love greeting all the talent that come for voice over sessions. Some are famous, others not so much. But I enjoy meeting them all, even the 5 year olds.
  2. Any funny stories and/or big accomplishments you’re personally proud of from this year? Ordering way too much client service/food for John Travolta the first time he came in.
  3. What’s one of your favorite projects/jobs you have worked on at IDEAS and why? It was nice having 2 big projects, almost back-to-back, so far this year. South Beach and Tough Enough kept all of us pretty busy and that was good.

We’re so glad you’re part of the team Christine! Happy Workiversary!

September 8, 2015|Archive|

About the Author: IDEAS

We’re a small creative design firm with a proven 20-year (and growing) history of international success. Our team delivers truly inspired brand and experience design solutions for destination, enterprise, organizational and communication challenges.

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