Chairs, Carpet Cleaning, Sprinklers, Coke Machine and Free Food

By John Lux

Today was a busy day, lots happening. Our new chairs for the Story Lab and the stools for the kitchen arrived. The Story Lab chairs are really comfortable and the stools are really nice. Any time you make a decision about something that is going to stick with you for a while you’re nervous about how it’s going to turn out. We were very relieved to see what we chose because they are comfortable and good looking.

We also got our Coke machine today. There was some debate over Coke versus Pepsi but Coke won out.

The first week we were in the new building our custodial people dripped a trail of liquid about 25 feet through the hallway. Needless to say that was quite disappointing. Today we had that trail along with some other drips cleaned and it looked great after. Of course we’ll drip something tomorrow but for today, we’re back to clean carpet.

We finally got our landlord to turn on the sprinklers in our front lawn so now they will come on twice a week. Between the heat and the sprinklers not going on in months our front lawn was pretty crunchy and the landscaping was looking pretty homely so hopefully a little water will do everything some good.

As if that wasn’t enough for one day, our real estate agent from Golfpark Properties bought us lunch today in celebration of our new home. It was really nice, it was our first food gathering in the new building.

April 30, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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