Busy Day

By John Lux

Today was a busy day. We had what was probably our last presentation to our staff about the progress of the new home. We have them every two weeks and two weeks from today is day one of the move so we certainly won’t have any meetings that day. I think everyone enjoys the presentations. It’s nice to show so much progress each time. I think back to the first presentation or two and I got the sense people weren’t exactly sure of how they felt about things. The room was pretty quiet, there wasn’t that much conversation. I think it was a lot of people not sure how they were supposed to feel. Now the new home updates are actually a little raucous, people are anxious to see the progress and if you know our team, nobody is afraid to speak up. You can actually see the excitement in people’s faces now. I think they are a lot like me, they can’t believe we’re two weeks away from moving but they are excited to get in the new building.

After the presentation we made a trip to IKEA. Lead by David and his shopping list, Charles, Robbie and Greg Roux helped fill up eight carts full of desks and tables to fill the Story Lab and design & programming area. In all, 13 workstations for the graphic area and 6 tables for the Story Lab and the longest receipt I have ever seen and we were all done.

Then it was down to the new building to drop off everything. Dennis, Michael and Dexter were there all day today replacing raised floor tiles. Getting rid of the old beat up ones and replacing them with the new floor tiles that were delivered earlier this week.

While we were downtown, the on West side of the building the wallpaper was already removed inside the offices (see yesterday’s post). The workers were already on to patching the walls then sanding will be done this weekend and painting will be done early next week. We did need to push back the flooring install start from Tuesday to Wednesday but they should still be done by next Saturday. It’s hard to believe at this time next week the build out will all be done. Then it will be time to completely focus on the audio department design and build.

We should have updated photos on the website early next week: www.ideas1stg.wpengine.com/ideasnewhome

March 20, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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