Birthdays on Facebook

By John Lux

Yesterday was my birthday. It wasn’t a milestone- not 30, not 40 and definitely not 50. And it wasn’t on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday so it’s not like I could really enjoy the day with family since I had to work. I got in to work and already had 20+ birthday wishes on Facebook. Then another 20+ during the day and then another 10+ after I got home. The cynical people out there will say “they only wished you happy birthday because Facebook told them to do so”. And I say so what, they still took the time to do it. There’s a lot of anger, hatred, and pain in the world today. Whether it’s between countries over seas or within our own country, everyone is so angry these days. Countries are coming apart at the seams, other countries are falling apart financially and in our country politicians have completely forgotten how to work together and are more worried about blaming everyone than finding solutions, not to mention the economic situation that people are dealing with every day. So whether people have a birthday saved in their phone, written on a post it, on their calendar, or whether it’s because Facebook reminded them, I think it’s great to hear from people that I haven’t heard from in years. Or maybe I haven’t heard from them since my birthday last year, either way, it’s nice to see some familiar faces on my Facebook wall and see well wishes from familiar names. So thank you to everyone that wished me a happy birthday, it helped make the day more than Thursday August 25, it made it my birthday.

August 26, 2011|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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