Bay 2 & Dry Erase Boards

By John Lux

We received the remaining piece of furniture for the redesign of Bay 2 yesterday so the room is completed and feels great, just like Bay 1 when we finished it last week. Speaking of Bay 1, yesterday we had our first outside client in the room since we did the redesign. The great thing about this is that the client was also in the room before the redesign so they could do the comparison. I walked in during their session and asked how they liked it and both of the clients said it was very comfortable and user friendly. One client was sitting up next to Sam and the other was at the back client desk. Both had papers all over and had plenty of room to work. Mission accomplished in Bay 1 and we think the same for Bay 2. We have the furinture for Bay 4 also so we’ll be changing that out today or Monday as well.

The long await for our clear dry erase boards is now over. They arrived yesterday, 40 of them. We are doing a couple tests to see what the best way to mount them is. We want to have them removable from the wall if people want to change a picture, put something else up, or if it’s just easier for them to write on them. But, we also need them to be stable enough hanging so they don’t fall down with a stiff breeze and we also don’t want them tearing up the walls. We think we may have found a way to achieve all those goals, we should know by the end of the day. If that’s the case, we’ll start putting them up Monday.

June 19, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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