Audio & Stage Moving Along

By John Lux

This past week was pretty much the midpoint of physical construction for our new post production audio mixing suite and our insert/Foley stage. All of the framing is completed (hard walls, closets, ceiling), doors are cut, rough electric has been run for Audio A. We should be obtaining final permits and inspection this week then it’s off to the races. We made some final decisions Friday about how to handle the HVAC situation that will give us the best overall control and functionality for the various spaces. Last week we also obtained additional curtain track and curtain for the stage side. We will now have a black curtain running over 1/2 the wall space on the stage. This will obviously help the acoustics but more needed was additional flexibility in backdrops for shooting.

This past Friday we shot new interviews for our next Behind the Scenes webisode installment documenting the entire moving process that we’ve gone through the last 8+ months. The previous interviews have been in a controlled setting but for these we decided to shoot them in the middle of the construction site. We’ll be editing this week and should be able to post the finished webisode before the end of the week. We also got our fabric samples last week for the soft walls in the audio mix room. Whatever we do we won’t be picking a light green like our old Audio A or a mauve like our old Audio B & stage. We’re thinking something in the gray area near the front of the room as to not distract or reflect color on the projection screen. Then towards the back we’re hoping to include some red or burgundy. We’ll see but it’s exciting to have options.

We go tomorrow to get a full demo of the board we are buying for the mix room, an ICON console. The order is in but it’s going to be nice to see a full working studio with the board we’ll have. Renderings of the room are on our new home website: then go to the Pictures tab and click on 9-28-2009. You can also see the renderings on Facebook:

October 5, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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