Audio, Science & Navy

By John Lux

This was an interesting week at IDEAS, although not that out of the ordinary when it comes to the varied types of work. Except for the ceiling, we have a fully framed Audio A mixing room built inside our stage. There have definitely been bumps in the road over the last two weeks but we have a room framed out so that’s where we wanted to be. By end of day Wednesday we’ll have the ceiling and rough electric done.

One of our clients is the C-iT corporation. Their goal is to help teach science in a fun way using characters. We’re at the beginning of our work with them but it’s a really cool concept that we hope to be a part of for a long time.

Tuesday & Wednesday we had a large group of people in for a development conference for the game we’re involved with based on the BattleStations 21 Navy training simulator we helped create. It was great seeing so many members of our team work with so many people on something that most of them haven’t been involved with. Some of our team really had no background on the project before last week and to see them jump right in and be able to add value is a real tribute to our team.

September 19, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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