Audio A & Sales

By John Lux

First blog with it no longer just being about the new home and of course, the topic is new home related. We received bid #3 of 4 this past Friday for the build out of our new Audio A. We spent some time today with the submitting company so they could explain their bid and we could ask questions. I thought the session went well, except their number was higher than we were hoping, although the number was what we were expecting. You can’t blame us for hoping, right? We should get the final bid tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday. At that point, we make decisions- value engineering of the room itself as well as who will build it.

We’re also anxiously awaiting some meetings this week about some great projects. Hopefully we’ll remain in contention and maybe even get some of them. Bob’s traveling pitching a couple people/places and Shirley continues working some new angles. We also have a little sales initiative coming out this week. Be sure to check your e-mail or Facebook for the announcement. Just a little thing to incent people to come see the new place.

July 13, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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