Another Good Day

By John Lux

Yesterday was a good day. The second of our LCD screens was mounted in Bay 2. Now Bay 1 & Bay 2 have matching Samsung LCD screens. We already have one of our plasma screens mounted in the machine room so we have mounting to do in the lobby, lounge and Bay 4 left. While Dennis was mounting in Bay 2 yesterday he also did a massive clean up of the cables for the edit suite so the room looks really polished now. All we need is the last piece of furniture and that room is totally completed.

Our interior way finding signage also also arrived yesterday. It’s currently flattening on our pool table, then Millo wants to do some trimming of a few of them then they’ll be ready for install. Hopefully Monday we’ll start putting them up. But they look cool and in a company full of creative people with lots of opinions, it’s great that everyone was very complimentary about all of the signs.

We also had another good day of people seeing the building for the first time. Hearing people talk about how much they like the building when they see it for the first time never gets old.

June 18, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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