Amway Center Ribbon Cutting
By Wendy Cydrus

Let’s go Magic! I am a self proclaimed Orlando Magic fan and have been since they were less than good (For those of you who think they are still less than good, well I have a few choice words for you). Not only that, I’m a downtown resident. I walk to all of the games. The new Amway Center is a big deal to me. So when I came into work on Friday and found out that one of my coworkers was going to the ribbon cutting, I immediately began to plead and beg, “Take me with you!”
We set off down the street to witness the official opening of the new Amway Center. We weren’t alone. In fact, crowds of people sporting Magic attire walked along with us. I was reminded of the Eastern Conference Championship two seasons ago when fans celebrated in the streets. As we approached the Center, I was taken aback by its size. It’s one thing to drive by it on I-4 but it’s another to walk up to it on foot. It takes up an entire square block. Its proximity to the restaurants, bars, and clubs on Church Street should do wonders for business. It would be great to see that area come back alive.
My excitement continued as I mingled with all of the fans out supporting the ribbon cutting. Between the music, cheerleaders, and vendors, it felt like a street party. The first half of the event continued with the usual political speeches and the eventual ribbon cutting (with fireworks). It was after this that I received the best news of the day…we were invited to come in and see the Center for ourselves.
Walking through the doors was sensory overload. The designers outdid themselves. I mean words can’t describe how beautiful this place is, which is why it would be a disservice to try. You must see it for yourself. Go out and support Orlando, support your community, and support your Magic!