Build Out Week 2

By John Lux

Have you ever wanted to take a hammer and just beat the crap out of a wall? We got to watch someone do that this morning. We’re trying to find some windows behind drywall so what better way to find them then by knocking holes in the drywall in front of them. I wasn’t the lucky person who got to do it though. They think they found the windows so we might have 2 more windows in the new place. We’ll post pictures this week of the hammering.

We also walked the progress of the build out. The vault is SMALL! Good thing we’re purging so much before we move. The new offices look great- not too small and have a good feel to them. It’s amazing how good the building looks, and that’s just with the wallpaper down. It’s going to look so much better with the new paint. After watching the build out of a couple of our past projects, Siemens Base 21 and the National Museum of Crime & Punishment, it’s interesting seeing this process from the other side. It’s cool watching when it’s someone else’s space but when it’s your own every little detail is exciting.

I stopped at IKEA to see if they got any of our lights in, nope. I bought the last one they had of the kind we want. 1 down, 11 more to go.

March 2, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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