
By John Lux

Painting started yesterday. David & I went this morning and the conference room was about 60% completed and one of the main hallways was 90% painted. When we left they had just started one of the accent walls. When the building was all gray wallpaper it was a normal corporate building. As soon as the wallpaper came down we could see the improvement with just that. Now seeing actual color going up on the walls looks great. Some new pictures will be on the website tomorrow

Finishing the drywall was also on the agenda for today. Since everything passed inspection, all the areas that had one side of drywall are not being completed and prepped for painting. Painting is scheduled to be completed middle of the week next week with flooring starting March 23. We remain ahead of schedule on the build out.

We stopped at our favorite store, IKEA, on the way back to the office. We scoped out a couple things and actually made a sizable purchase. We bought computer tower holders that attach to desks so the towers aren’t on the top of the desks but also aren’t on the floor. We bought 2 stools that will go in the Design & Programming area, and a couple other peripheral things for the new place.

March 12, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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