Denver Snowstorm and IDEAS

By John Lux

So, a colleague and friend of the company set us up to do a couple of speeches and a workshop at the National Association of School Boards Technology and Learning conference in Denver. Who knew an early season snowstorm would almost shut Denver down! Anyway, we accepted the invitation to speak and sent our owner and Chief Storytelling Officer Bob Allen and Kelly Pounds, VP, IDEAS Learning, to conduct the workshop and also take advantage of this collection of top level educational decision makers to talk-up our new TeacherStudio ( product.

The saga started at 4:45am on Wednesday the 28th as the United website said the dreaded words FLIGHT CANCELLED. By the time Bob & Kelly got on another flight that could get them to Denver, it was nip and tuck to make the first talk they were scheduled to give (one called “Pandora’s X-Box” about games, mixed reality and other virtual tools for learning). They got to the room 10 minutes late after a slushy cab-slide through the white out on I-25 but there was a sign posted on the room saying “Session cancelled due to inclement weather”. The day wasn’t lost though. They met with a potential collaborator for TeacherStudio content and Kelly worked the room positioning TeacherStudio with a number of potential district clients. Bob was up at 4:30am local time on Thursday re-working the talk for that day (STEM to TEAMS: Arts in the Science/Math effort). Bob had the privilege of presenting with Dr. David Thornburg who is a deity in this world. The man’s resume is unbelievable and he’s a brilliant and entertaining presenter. They had 12 minutes to synch their talks before showtime. The feed back was great! They didn’t throw rocks or tomatoes. We’ll post another report after tomorrow’s workshop called “The Colorado Broadband Revolution”.

October 29, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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