Denver Snowstorm and IDEAS (Part 2)

By John Lux

Two weeks ago a team from IDEAS went to Colorado to present at a seminar and got caught in the early season snowstorm. We wanted to close the loop on the trip so here’s part two of their travels. We have been playing with our StoryJam product this year to broaden the offering to fit different client needs. The idea behind this one was to see if we could use our tools to help the Colorado Association of Leaders in Educational Technology imagine and nail down a compelling story for the future of a broadband network across all of their schools. As luck would have it, the same storm that plagued our team getting to Denver wreaked mayhem on the attendance at the host conference (NASB) and it didn’t back off on CALET one bit.

By 5PM the day before the gig, our prime contact and fearless leader Denise Shorey was stuck n Phoenix and couldn’t get to Denver till just before start time. We told her not to worry, worked with the convention center to verify the room set-up (Bob’s past life as an event-guy comes in handy. Its nice to be able to read a BEO and know how to ask nicely for a direct box for computer audio) and showed up loaded for broccoli (can you tell Bob wrote this blog, he’s a vegetarian and would never point a gun at a nice bear!) Out of 12 confirmed and an additional 25 rumored we got a grand total of…8. It worked like magic. Everybody engaged, they got a great creative result, we validated a new half-day format for a StoryJam-type product and still made our flight back to Orlando to rest up for trick-or-treating. We also got a lot of interest from school districts around the country in our new TeacherStudio product ( More later on that.

November 9, 2009|Archive|

About the Author: John Lux

As COO of IDEAS, John manages the day-to-day operations of the company. He is a category expert in studio production and is responsible for bringing advanced digital media technology to IDEAS.

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